Finding 02 Finding Megan Read online

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  Amelia jogged through the vineyard, a bright smile on her face. Tuck was tending some of the vines and heard her approach but pretended to ignore her as she passed him by. Stopping in her tracks, Amelia was surprised at his total lack of interest in her. He was usually very attentive. She wondered if her parents had been talking to him again about being too friendly, so she walked back to stand before his stooped frame.

  “Hi there, Tuck. You’ve been a busy little bee lately - I heard it on the grapevine. Ha, ha, ha,” she forced a laugh.

  “Hi yourself,” said Tuck. “Some of us have to work for our keep.”

  His tone was neutral and it was difficult for Amelia to judge how serious he was. He kept his head down, not once looking up at her.

  “Is that how you honestly feel?” she asked. Hurt by his attitude, she didn’t keep it from her voice. “I work very hard at the gym, in training and when I give classes.”

  Turning to walk away, Amelia was pulled back as Tuck grabbed her arm firmly, spinning her around to face him. Unable to control the fluttering in her stomach, she was confused as to how he could have such a strong effect on her.

  “Do you want something?” she asked, a defiant look in her eye.

  A strange expression crossed Tuck’s face that was difficult to read. He released his grip on her arm and picked up a bottle, taking a long drink from it. Amelia licked her lips, realizing how thirsty she was. As Tuck held the water out to her a shout came from the edge of the vineyard, near the house. They both looked in the direction it had come from. Kaden was waving at them and pointing towards the entrance, where a car had just come through the gate.

  “Who’s that?” asked Tuck, his hand over his eyes, shading them from the midday sun.

  “Ethan,” said Amelia. “His timing is spot on, isn’t it?”

  “What do you mean by that? Wasn’t he supposed to come at the weekend?”

  Amelia rolled her eyes and started to walk back towards the house, a few steps ahead of Tuck.

  “I think you were about to kiss me,” she said. “You can deny it all you want but I won’t believe you.”

  Picking up the pace she broke into a run, throwing herself into Ethan’s outstretched arms when she reached him. Tuck looked on as they embraced, suppressing an urge to race over and drag Amelia away from the visitor. Instead, he stepped forward, civilly holding out his hand welcoming Ethan, who just as graciously shook it. Both young men held each other’s gaze for a few seconds until Kaden came behind and pushed them towards the house.

  “Let’s catch up before the kitchen is flooded with a pack of hungry workers, Mom included,” said Amelia.

  Ethan filled them in on how Ash and Jasper were getting on at Martha’s.

  “Jake knew I was planning on coming at the weekend and asked me if I would like to travel a few days earlier and fly down with him. He hired a car at the airport and got me to drop him off in town so he could meet up with your father.”

  Lloyd Seager was teaching English at one of the high schools in Lake Chapala.

  “Well, you picked a good time to get here, lunch is just ready,” Amelia said, laying out dishes and cutlery on the large dining table.

  “Wow, you mean to tell me you can cook now,” said Ethan, impressed.

  “Are you joking, I don’t want to die in my teens,” Kaden laughed. “I’m the chief cook around here but Mom does a fair share of it too. Even Dad and the boys have their own specialities they dish up from time to time but Amelia - well, she does make a great salad.”

  His sister made a swipe at him with the towel she had used to carry a large pot of bubbling goulash from the cooker to the table. Just then, the door burst open with Estelle and the boys filing in, each one shaking hands with Ethan and welcoming him.

  “You’re a few days early aren’t you? I thought it was Jake pulling up in the rented car, is he here too?” asked Estelle, hugging their young visitor.

  Ethan informed her that Jake would be arriving with Lloyd later on. He was interrupted by her phone ringing. It was Lloyd’s number. Estelle excused herself and went into the study to take the call, telling everyone to start lunch without her.

  “Ethan has just arrived, he’s having lunch with the others, is Jake with you?”

  “Yes, he is. Can you meet up with us in town for lunch? There are things we need to discuss in private. I was thinking we could drive to that spot by the lake we usually picnic at.” Lloyd sounded a little edgy.

  “Why don’t you go straight there and I’ll join you. There’s lots of food here, you know how Kaden cooks as if he is feeding the town. I can bring some with me. I’ll be with you in half an hour.”

  Estelle returned to the kitchen and asked if someone could put a picnic together for her to take with her.

  “I’m meeting up with the men in town and we’re going for a drive. I’ll just get changed first.”

  Having left instructions with the boys on what needed to be done in the greenhouses for the afternoon, Estelle asked Amelia to walk her to the car.

  “I want you to promise me you will behave yourself around Tuck and Ethan. You are to treat both of them the same and be careful not to stir up any rivalry between them,” she said to her daughter.

  “Mom, why do you say that every time Ethan visits? I never intentionally do anything to start a row between them.”

  “I know you don’t mean to but it can ruin the visit for Kaden when there’s bad feelings between two of his friends. I’m just saying, give them space. If the boys are all together, make an excuse to leave. Don’t go tagging along like you usually do.”

  Estelle kissed her daughter on the forehead before sitting into the car. Amelia, who had been waiting for a good time to ask about something, held the door open.

  “Would it be okay for Megan to come stay here for a few days soon?” she asked.

  “What about her parents, they would never allow it and I don’t want to bring any trouble on us from the Brubakers.”

  “Her grandfather says he doesn’t mind at all, I could even go there if I wanted to but that’s the last place I would want to be. Please Mom, she’s old enough to make her own mind up, isn’t she?”

  Estelle sighed deeply before answering.

  “Let me talk it over with your father, maybe we can arrange something. I have to go, hun. Be good,” she said, starting up the engine as Amelia closed the door.


  Estelle smiled at the sight of the two men fishing on the lake shore. Lloyd always carried his rods and tackle around with him, just in case he got a chance to get to the lake. They heard her car and turned to wave. Jake lay his rod on the grass and came to greet her.

  “Lloyd thinks he’s got Moby Dick on the end of his line, I reckon it’s a shopping trolley. Did you bring lots of food, I’m starving - and by the way, you look great, for a farmer.” Jake hugged her and helped take the picnic hamper from the car.

  “I’m a market gardener and yes, I brought plenty for us to eat. I know what your appetite is like.”

  Lloyd joined them at one of the wooden tables that stood along the shore line. The air was very still and the gentle drone of traffic in the distance could easily be mistaken for the buzz of insects, giving the impression of being in the middle of nowhere.

  “No luck with the shopping trolley then,” said Jake noticing the broken fishing line.

  Lloyd propped the rod against the table as he kissed Estelle’s cheek and shook his head.

  “Never mind, hun, we won’t starve. Kaden made enough to feed an army, as usual.” Estelle handed him a plate.

  The couple filled Jake in on how Wolf had managed to make contact with Henry Brubaker because of the incident with the horse and Megan.

  “Make sure he’s on his guard every time he goes there. Brubaker is a very clever man and a dangerous one. Cracks have begun to show in his Alliance. Some of his allies would like him to disappear and there’s talk of an investigation into the clinic
’s financial ventures. Especially the gold mine in Antarctica,” Jake said.

  “Kaden won’t be happy until those unfortunate boys are released from Brubaker’s so-called training facility,” Estelle said, dishing up more food for their guest.

  Detective Matthews went on to explain how Paco and Radar could be transferred to the Lake Chapala Vineyard and Market Garden under new changes in the government’s training scheme for homeless people. By assuring Henry Brubaker that he would not cause any trouble for the clinic, Lloyd hoped to arrange a transfer for the two young teens.

  “We’ve been sorting out the paperwork and it should be safe enough to tell Kaden everything now. I didn’t want to get his hopes up until I was pretty sure it would work,” said Lloyd.

  After another hour of discussion and double checking every detail of the plan, Lloyd said he would need to return to work, so Estelle offered to take Jake home with her.

  “You really like it here, don’t you,” Jake said as he helped clear up the table.

  “I love it. The kids do too. Harley and Marissa have set up home in a cabin beside the market garden. She is a great help in the shop. They are even planning on running a small cafe on the premises. I think it’s a great idea. They will be well able to manage it and I’m willing to help out when necessary.” Jake noticed how Estelle’s face lit up every time she spoke about the boys.

  “Your family certainly has grown in a short time, I’m amazed at how you and Lloyd have adjusted so quickly. How is Amelia coping with all those extra brothers?”

  “She’s loving it, Jake, although I do have to keep an eye on her relationship with Tuck. You know that she’s planning on being in the Olympics next year, in Spain. This is her last chance, if she doesn’t make this one she will be too old for the next, five years from now.”

  “And Tuck is a distraction, am I right?”

  “He sure is. It’s not really his fault. I can see how much he tries not to stir anything up between them but Amelia can be very hard to ignore, if you know what I mean.”

  “I thought Ethan was a big part of her life, or has that changed?” asked Jake.

  Estelle explained that both young men were attracted to her daughter and Amelia seemed unable to choose between the two.

  “Lloyd and I had a chat with her about it and she agreed to put romance on hold for now. I’m not sure how long it will last though.”

  When they were packed and ready to return home, Estelle asked Jake if he would drive as she was feeling tired.

  The boys were all back at work by the time Jake parked the car outside the house. Amelia came running out to meet them, her face beaming. She threw her arms around his neck.

  “Are you that excited to see your old uncle Jake?”

  As they walked arm in arm towards the porch, Kaden came out of the house and shook hands with the detective.

  “Did Amelia tell you why she is grinning from ear to ear, Mom?” he asked, taking the picnic basket from his mother.

  “No, she didn’t. Well Jake, she isn’t that happy to see you after all,” said Estelle.

  “Of course I am, you know how much I love your visits, don’t you?” said Amelia. “But I do have great news and I know you won’t say no when I ask. Is it okay for Megan to come visit next month?”

  Estelle decided to stall for time.

  “That would be lovely, hun but let’s discuss it with your father first, I’m sure he won’t mind.”

  Amelia hugged her mother and went off to give the boys a hand in the green house.

  Ten minutes later she arrived back at the house with Wolf. The young man was frowning and Amelia looked puzzled.

  “Jake, would you mind joining us in the study,” said Estelle and she called out to Kaden to come downstairs.

  The four of them were sitting around a large desk when Kaden walked in.

  “Mom, what’s going on?” he asked.

  Wolf explained that Amelia had told him her friend Megan would be paying them a visit. Estelle realized she would have to let her daughter in on the plan they had to infiltrate the Brubaker clinic. Amelia was very quiet as her mother spoke.

  “So you see, Megan must not find out that Wolf has any connection with us,” said Estelle.

  “I haven’t said much to her about the boys but she did tell me she had met someone. We have only just begun to keep in touch lately. It hasn’t been easy for us to stay friends with all that’s happened between our families. She was sure her grandfather would disapprove. Her parents certainly did when she asked. I couldn’t believe it when she said she was definitely coming. I can’t put her off now, it wouldn’t be fair.”

  It was agreed that Wolf would take a trip and stay out of the way while Megan was in Lake Chapala. Lloyd arrived home and was filled in on the details. He thought it might be a good thing to have Megan stay, as it would make Henry Brubaker feel a little less suspicious of them. Things seemed to be falling into place and everyone was happy to carry on with the plan.

  On Wolf’s next visit to the Brubaker ranch, two weeks later, Megan was much friendlier and seemed genuinely pleased to see him. She was walking Pharaoh around the paddock when he arrived in the van. It was a plain, white vehicle without any signage or logo but she recognized it immediately. She was surprised at how her heart seemed to skip a beat when Wolf waved back at her. The young man carried a box into the kitchen and reappeared ten minutes later drinking a bottle of water. As he got nearer to the fence the horse began to paw at the ground and shake his head.

  “I think he remembers you,” said Megan.

  Wolf stroked the shiny black neck and spoke softly to the horse. Megan invited him to stay for lunch, asking if he would like to have a tour of the ranch first.

  “I’d love to, if you think your grandfather won’t object.”

  “He won’t mind at all. You know, he was very impressed with the way you handled Pharaoh.”

  Having climbed over the fence, Megan linked her arm through Wolf’s and led him along a path running through a variety of paddocks, some containing sheep, others with cattle. She could see her visitor looking at the animals with a puzzled expression.

  “Are you wondering if they are pets or for eating?”

  Wolf laughed. “That’s exactly what I was thinking, how did you know?”

  “I’m very blunt at times, I must get it from my grandfather. He just blurts things out. I’m not great at hiding my feelings either, as you found out on your last visit.”

  “At least people know where they stand with you. I like that. What are you planning on doing when you finish college?”

  Wolf liked the easy way she shared her thoughts with him, even though they had only recently met. He felt guilty for deceiving her as to why he was really there, at her grandfather’s ranch. They spent a long time walking, discussing their likes and dislikes. Eventually, Megan noticed how late it was getting and suggested they return to the house for lunch. Before heading back Wolf pointed to a building he could see in the distance, a tree lined drive leading up to it. He said it looked like a small hospital or care home, as there was an ambulance parked at the rear.

  “That’s grandfather’s clinic, where he spends most of his time. He makes sure he sees the patients every day, even though there is a doctor on duty along with other medical staff. In fact grandfather is semi-retired, although I don’t think he realizes that himself. He forgets how old he is.”

  “What age is Doctor Brubaker?” asked Wolf.

  Megan had to think for a moment.

  “He’s almost seventy five but you wouldn’t guess it. He’s very healthy and fit, he developed this special soup that he practically lives on. I have to eat it by the bucket load when I’m here. The patients at the clinic get it too. Back home in Chicago there is a shelter for homeless boys that the clinic supports and the soup is dished up there as well. It’s quite expensive because it contains Krill oil but my grandfather can be a very generous man. I know he seems formidable to most people, until they get to
know him and then they can’t help but like him.”

  A shiver went up Wolf’s spine at the mention of the shelter in Chicago. He had been lulled into a false sense of security walking along with Megan - the sun shining, cattle grazing and sheep bleating. With those few words, she brought him straight back to reality, his stomach churning.

  “Are you okay? You’ve gone a funny colour,” said Megan, concerned.

  “It’s probably the heat, I’m not great in the sun. Look how pale I am compared to you,” Wolf held an arm up alongside hers and they both laughed.

  “Come on then, let’s get you back to the house for some shade before you melt.”

  At lunch, Henry Brubaker also remarked on Wolf’s pallor. Megan asked if the heat would be the cause of it and her grandfather agreed that it was most likely the reason. He advised Wolf to drink more water and stay out of the sun for the rest of the day. Then he excused himself explaining that there was an important phone call he needed to make. Megan followed him into the house and came back a couple of minutes later, a big smile on her face.

  “Grandfather says you are more than welcome to stay here tonight. You could set off early in the morning having had a good night’s rest. Please say you will, we could catch a movie in town later if you like.”

  An opportunity like that was something Wolf could not resist, he might come across important information that would help Paco and Radar.

  “I’m not sure that would be a good idea, staying over I mean.” Wolf did not want to appear too eager.

  “Nonsense, we won’t take no for an answer,” Henry Brubaker said as he stepped out onto the veranda. “Will we, Megan?”

  His granddaughter smiled up at him. She looked at their guest her head tilted to one side and raised an eyebrow.

  “Okay, I guess I’m your prisoner,” Wolf said and not being able to resist a private joke, held out his hands to Megan.

  “Aren’t you going to cuff me?” he asked.

  She grabbed hold of his wrists and dragged him into the house, passing her smiling grandfather.